
Mannheim University


  • Market design for the energy transition, seminar, M.Sc. level, fall/winter term 2021 (with Achim Wambach)


RWTH Aachen University


  • Game theory, lecture and tutorial, M.Sc. level, winter terms 2011/12–2018/19
  • Information economics, lecture and tutorial, M.Sc. level, summer terms 2011, 2015–2018
  • Econometrics, lecture, M.Sc. level,  in English, winter 2016/17 
  • Introductory econometrics, lecture, B. Sc. level, winter 2016/17  
  • Current topics in economics and management II (Wirtschaft Aktuell II), project course, B.Sc. level, summer 2014
  • Game theory, lecture and tutorial, Ph.D. level (MAGKS inter-university graduate program), February 18–22, 2013, winter 2012/13
  • Behavioral economics and experimental economics: selected topics, seminar course, M.Sc. level, summer 2012
  • Microeconomics I, two tutorials, B.Sc. level, winter term 2010/11


Stanford University


  • Econ203N: Game theory, imperfect competition and other applications, lecture, Ph.D. level, winter quarter 2010


Karlsruhe University (as a research assistant)


Seminars (diploma level):

  • Connections – An economic view on networks, summer 2008
  • Economic paradoxes and anomalies, winter 2007/08
  • Two-sided markets and matching models, winter 2006/07
  • Auction experiments, winter 2005/06
  • Economic and social networks, summer 2005
  • Decision-making under uncertainty, winter 2004/05
  • Economic and social networks, summer 2004

Tutorials (diploma level):

  • Economic theory of uncertainty, summer terms 2006–2008
  • Economic incentives in markets and firms, winter terms 2003/04–2006/07